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Doctrine and Discipline of the AMEC


Our Doctrine

The AME Church recognizes and observes two holy sacraments: Baptism and Holy Communion. The modes of baptism are pouring, sprinkling, and immersion. Regardless of the mode administered, baptism is a powerful symbol of regeneration and initiation into the community of faith – Christ’s Church. Holy Communion services as a memorial of the death and suffering of Christ and celebrates the abundant life we have through Him.
The Supper of the Lord is a sign of the love that Christians ought to have for one another and our redemption by Christ's death. The bread that we break is a partaking of the body of Christ and likewise the cup is a partaking of the blood of Christ. In the AME doctrine, the Supper of the Lord is administered to all Christians alike.


Our Discipline

The book, “Doctrine and Discipline of the African Methodist Episcopal Church”, (commonly referred to as “The Discipline”) outlines the rules, laws, and procedures of the AME Church. It is published every four years. The first edition was issued in 1817 by Bishop Richard Allen and Elder James Tapisco and others of Philadelphia, and is one of the oldest books published by American Blacks.

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